
台灣稱SwaddleMe 嬰兒包巾為懶人包巾, 點解?

皆因獨特的包巾設計讓新手爸媽也能迅速的繈褓BB,減少因為爸媽的慌張或不紮實的包覆而造成BB不舒適及哭鬧;連醫院裡專業的接生護士都特別喜愛使用SwaddleMe 嬰兒包巾!


台灣育嬰室護士示範使用方法 CLICK HERE

MicroFleece 適合秋冬季節使用

  • 不易鬆脫,更能紮實的包覆寶寶
  • 可調式包巾,包覆寶寶簡易三步驟
  • 適用於 3.17 ~ 6.35 公斤寶寶
  • BB睡得更安全、更沉久
  • 避免BB 手抓傷自己
  • 換尿布時不必完全解開
  • 依照「美國產品安全委員會」規範製作
  • 產品皆通過美國阻燃與托格 (TOG) 測試規範

不像一般毛巾容易鬆脫,《SwaddleMe 嬰兒包巾》的獨特設計不但操作方便,更能紮實的包覆寶寶,讓寶寶猶如在媽媽的子宮內而感到安全感,進而睡得更安全、更沉久;

SwaddleMe 嬰兒包巾能安全且舒適的包裹著BB, 幫助紓緩BB 出生數週肚子膠痛,更有助防止新生BB 睡覺時因 Moro Reflex (即有助防止新生BB對外在環境空然改變如燈光聲音而驚醒),保確BB睡眠質量!


小兒科醫生長久以來均建議無論大小BB 都應該被包巾繈褓(用毯子/毛巾把BB舒適地包裏起來),因為被包覆著的BB 不需要蓋被也不能隨意轉身趴睡,專家認為包巾這樣有助於減少BB在嬰兒床上窒息的危險,研究也證明能降低嬰兒猝死症 (Sudden Infant Death Syndronme簡稱SIDS) 發生的可能性。

適合BB體重 7-14 磅重 (3.14kg to 6.35kg)

註: 清洗時可用於洗衣機(建議放入洗衣網裡), 但不可用洗衣機飛水, 只可自然曬乾或吹乾!

本店一直做美國代購, 所有貨品購自美國或英國! 絕不混入淘寶或山寨貨! 保證初生BB肌膚安全.

Amazing! Should be on the MUST HAVE list!

My wife is an ER peds nurse and when she was pregnant, during her shower she got a pack of these. She looked at me and said "These are dumb, I know how to swaddle!". Well, the first night home, we used one of these, let's just say 4 weeks later we've NEVER swaddled our little one in a blanket. We even purchased more of these as well as a set for gifts.
I think the best part of these are the at the 2am and 4am changes/feedings, you don't have to fight with a blanket, just slid them in the sack and velcro the thing closed, can be done in under 15 seconds and it won't come undone, regardless how much the little one moves.

The fleece ones are really nice and warm and go good with normal cotton sleepers. We bought the cotton ones for when we put him in a fleece sleeper. This way the little one won't get too hot either way, yet is still swaddled.

By Keith Corbin

Don't know what I would have done without it!

I got a set of two of these as a gift, but I didn't initially use them because I knew how to swaddle with a blanket. So, fast forward and I bring my baby home. Sleepless nights of blanket swaddling and hours later my baby would break free! So, then we decided to try the swaddleme blankets just to see what would happen. I am sure glad I had these!

I refuse to use any other blanket. This holds my little one snug and she doesn't break free! She loves it too! Once we put her in it, she immediately calms down and sleeps! It is also so much easier than swaddling with a regular blanket! A must have for those with a newborn.

By Nikki

1) 買滿$80 可安排星期一至星期六中午12點至3點; 5點至晚上7點.觀塘線或港島線地鐵站交貨星期二四可深水步至美孚站; 星期三五可將軍澳線
2) 包平郵

3) 買一款加 $25 ; 買兩款加$18 可轉用順豐站自取/ 香港郵政"易送遞"

4) 買滿 $300 加 $12 可轉用順豐站自取/ 香港郵政"易送遞"

Summer Infant SwaddleMe MicroFleece 初生至3個月嬰兒抓毛包巾包被 2件優惠套裝 粉紅

  • 尋找品牌 Summer Infant
  • 型 號: 2SSBM2
  • 庫存狀態: 1
  • HK$250
  • HK$160