
好多人知道鎂奶可以舒緩胃痛, 但其實晌外國被女士用作護膚潔膚, 收毛孔用途, 仲瘋傳YOUTUBE

  • 清潔毛孔
  • 改善毛孔粗大
  • 除黑頭
  • 控油
  • 爽膚, 長時間唔會油光滿臉

特別適合油性, 混合性肌膚朋友


美國護膚達人Paula 推薦

吸收多油脂:可能使護膚問題方面的一個難題是因油脂分泌是由荷爾蒙控制的,任何外用護膚產品都不可以阻止皮脂腺分泌油脂,只能避免使用添加 油脂或柔成分且堵塞毛孔的讓青春痘不要更糟。要想吸收皮表面的油脂,可以使用不含刺激性成分的黏土面膜。然聽起有點奇怪,但也可以使用 乳(Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia)用乳是液氫氧,可以有效吸收油脂。應該根據人的皮膚類來決定多久敷一次面膜,有的人可以每天敷一次,有的人一周 敷一次就可以了。面膜應該在洗面之後再用,敷1015,然後用水沖洗乾



用棉花球沾上MOM, 在面上多出油部份, 然後等乾透, 會感到肌膚開始乾緊, 然後用水過水潔淨, 最後你會發現毛孔乾淨不少

對付鼻上黑頭, 十分容易不費力, 長期使用可改善油質肌質


(YOUTUBE)有唔少靚女分享, 教你點用


(YOUTUBE) Title: "Making Milk Of Magnesia (MOM) Face Primer" happydimples39



Making my MOM Face Primer. So simple to make. Milk of magnesia is one of the effective and perfect natural skin care products. Be mindful that there is nothing hopeless about the other products, this healthy and beauty advice is being provided to you as an additional benefit from something that is not generally well known. Many celebrities are in the habit of using milk of magnesia and if you notice carefully, the ones with the most flawless skin are typically the ones using this of all beauty secrets. We all know that MOM relieves constipation, but it is also good for the skin. You can use it for Acne, Pores Cleanser, Deodorant and A face primer.




Help your Oily Skin with Milk of Magnesia

hey guys, so just wanted to share what i use to help my oily skin. MILK OF MAGNESIA... believe me! it really works...
you could also use it as a face primer... but it really works...



I've been using this product for several weeks and I've gotten nothing but positive results. Any Milk of Magnesia will do just make sure it's ORIGINAL and don't forget to shake it before.

babycochis (YOUTUBE)


LOVE the milk of magnesia trick! Worked so well! I have comb skin so I just put it on T zone.

shawnalynn559 (YOUTUBE)


If I may be so bold, I think my face looked amazing! Surprisingly, my skin actually looked like skin, and not like a layer of product covering up bad skin. More than that, it looked like normal skin. No oil. No glow. Just a perfectly bare, slightly flushed matte canvas. All. Day. Long....... After using milk of magnesia daily for two weeks, the large pores on my nose have practically disappeared, even without foundation and powder to hide them........But perhaps the biggest change is that my skin seems to be producing less oil on its own. On days when I’m home and lounging, I’ve noticed that my bare skin looks a tad less oily on its own than it used to.


I also used it once as a facial mask, applying a layer all over my face without blending out, letting it dry for 15 minutes, and rinsing. Afterwards, my face felt a bit tight, but my skin was amazingly even. The small red bumps I sometimes get on my cheeks had flattened completely, and my pores were definitely lighter.

Written by Sam, a 17-year-old boy,


Store at room temperature and avoid freezing.  Keep tightly closed.

SIZE: 12oz / 355ml

Made in USA



請避免冷藏, 存貯於室溫地方便可. 用後必須扭緊樽蓋


雖然本產品可以內服可以舒緩胃痛, 但本店只建議外用美肌, 如果閣下要, 請先留意:

6歲以下小童, 孕婦, 有腎病朋友, 服用前請先諮詢醫生意見.


美國製造, 購自美國

1) 觀塘線至港島線地鐵站內交收, 星期一至星期六中午12點至3點; 5點至晚上7點.
2) 加 $15 可轉用順豐站自取/ 買滿$300 包順豐站自取

Phillips Milk of Magnesia 鎂奶 355ml 美肌控油 清潔毛孔 收毛孔 去黑頭 妝前Primer 外國熱爆

  • 型 號: 5PHILLIPS
  • 庫存狀態: 無現貨
  • HK$115
  • HK$99

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標籤: 去除黑頭, 暗瘡皮膚, 油性皮膚, 清潔毛孔, Primer