
Indeed Labs 保濕 GEL質地清爽,無論早晚都可使用提供即時及持久的滋潤保護幫助肌膚重拾最佳水份含量為肌膚抵禦水份流失,並在肌膚表面形成一層保護膜

Hydraluron™保濕GEL (果凍) 結合了5項獲科學證明材料護膚物質,為肌提供即時和持續滋潤。注入高濃度透明質酸 (1000倍水份) 和獨家加上PatcH20™(復合微細網絡),可幫助鎖住水份使肌膚柔軟,水嫩容光煥發。配對hydraluron™保濕精華以獲得最佳效果。

PatchH20™ - helps provide immediate and long-lasting moisturisation through a molecular mesh that reduces water evaporation from the skin

Fucogel® - absorbed quickly by skin, Fucogel helps provide long-term binding of water and moisturisation to create a protective film on the skin's surface, which defends against transepidermal water loss

Hyaluronic Acid - a high-level hydration substance that holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water, it acts as the ultimate drink for your skin, resulting in a longer-lasting feeling of softness, plumpness and hydration

Vivillume - helps to restore skin luminosity. Derived from the White Bird of Paradise plant, Vivillume is a skin revitaliser that promotes a radiant complexion

Hydrolite 5 - advanced skin moisturiser which enhances the bioavailability of the active ingredients



使用方法: 取自如一豌豆大小的份量來清潔皮膚,早晚各一次。日常使用和搭配hydraluron保濕精華來滋潤表面之下,而hydraluron保濕啫喱(果凍)提供極致的保濕。



英國當地Blogger meg-says
My skin is quite dehydrated and as a result, it has been drinking this stuff up like there's no tomorrow. If you live in the UK like me you'll know how hot the weather has been recently and the moisture jelly has been an absolute dream in this heatwave as it feels slightly cooling upon application....... the jelly formulation makes a brilliant priming base for makeup.

The hydraluron moisture jelly is gentle enough not to aggravate my eczema but packs a hydrating punch which has actually cleared a few of the sore patches

Overall, I'd absolutely recommend this to anyone as my skin is a combination of practically every type there is ..........

1) 觀塘線至港島線地鐵站內交收, 星期一至星期六中午12點至3點; 5點至晚上7點.
2) 包平郵, 可先轉帳至本人中銀或HSBC 帳號, 然後再EMAIL 通知郵寄地址(只限香港), 收件人名稱 (1-3個工作天內收到). 買家需承擔寄失之風險, 可另加HK$15 掛號費.

z (停產) Indeed Labs Hydraluron moisture jelly 強效透明質酸補水保濕啫喱 30ml 持久滋潤肌膚 (英國)

  • 型 號: 3INLABGEL
  • 庫存狀態: 2
  • HK$270
  • HK$200