
著名瑞典公司 LELO 旗下產品 Intimina 縮陰球收緊陰道用家要不斷使出「陰力」方可將收陰球夾緊鍛煉下體肌肉

  • 女士由於運動,夜生活或曾懷孕分娩,會令陰道出現鬆弛,久而久之,不但影響夫妻歡愉性生活,而且女性有機會中年以後出現失禁情況
  • 利用物理原理,將帶有重量的圓球放入陰道,通過每天輕量訓練,收緊骨盆底陰道肌肉,外國十分流行,最終提高歡愉效果。
  • 外國十分流行,為正常保健用品,並非色情用品,不用手術,毋須口服,使用安全,無副作用
  • 有28g重量,適合初用者,亦有38g或48g 款式以供需要更好效果的朋友





  1. 第一次使用前洗清洗球體並消毒抹乾,把縮陰球置入陰道內,記得把手繩留在體外
  2. 用陰力收緊陰道收縮你的骨盆底肌肉,你會感覺收陰球被扯上
  3. 保持收縮2-10秒鐘,最後深呼吸放鬆肌肉
  4. 可以略休息,可重複動作10次


100% 購自美國, 外國人鍾意自然靠運動, 唔會亂食藥, 所以大陸並無發售!

amazing ball

After giving birth to a 10 lb . boy, I was left helpless, weak, and definitely loose. My intimate life was seriously suffering. After using this product for 3 weeks, my husband could really tell the difference.

By rili


Very useful

I think the design is really pretty and the silicone truly is very soft to the touch. I'm in my 20's don't have children so really I'm using this product to enhance my private life. When I first used this, it was not so easy to put in but I tried to relax and it went in easily.

I did the contractions/exercises and it felt kinda strange in the beginning and I felt slightly sore after. But now that I've been doing it weekly, I can really tell the difference with my partner. I think it's a great way to easily tighten and would

recommend it to every woman. Will continue to use this for a while!

By Snork23


this works. i'm going up to 48g weight

I started out with the middle weight & i've ordered the 48 gram. I suppose I can attach/connect them in the future. Seems to stay in place was a bit worried it may pop out when urinating but it didn't budge. really give you something to grasp. great product!
I'm thinking of purchasing these for Christmas gifts for my Mom & Sisters!

By kegel girl


BabyKingdom 都有討論

1) 觀塘線至港島線地鐵站內交收, 星期一至星期六中午12點至3點; 5點至晚上7點.
2) 包平郵, 可先轉帳至本人中銀或HSBC 帳號, 然後再EMAIL 通知郵寄地址(只限香港), 收件人名稱 (1-3個工作天內收到). 買家需承擔寄失之風險, 可另加HK$15 掛號費.

3)加 $15 可轉用順豐站自取/ 買滿$300 包順豐站自取

Intimina LaSalle Kegel Exerciser 縮陰球 28g/ 48g 收緊產後鬆弛陰道 預防失禁

  • 尋找品牌 INTIMINA
  • 庫存狀態: 1
  • HK$160
  • HK$138
