  • 含有具保濕、抗氧化等作用天然皮膚保濕份子──卵磷脂
  • 含有磷脂,能協助建構皮脂膜,強化肌膚保濕能力,為敏感或乾燥皮膚回復和維持天然平衡的保濕度
  • 不油膩,吸收迅速滲入皮膚。
  • 無人造香料,不含致癌物質的羥甲酸,令皮膚敏感的羊毛脂或礦物油。
  • 經證明成是低過敏性,不含有刺激粉刺,無香料。


好好用.保濕, lup ,most importantly suitable for痘痘敏感肌!!!!!!!






外國 "BESTSKINCARE" 網站,推薦有暗瘡或敏感皮膚問題朋友使用,並指品表現Overall Score: 94%

The overwhelming majority of people who suffer from Rosacea(玫瑰斑/酒渣) tend to also have fairly sensitive skin that does not react well to most products that contain parabens, lanolin, fragrances and other ingredients commonly used in cosmetics. Complex 15 doesn’t use any of these traditional ingredients, making it instantly lighter on your skin, preventing flareups in the process.


The second reason why Complex 15 Therapeutic Moisturizing Face Cream has the potential to help resolve Rosacea is due to the phospholipids it contains, which is certainly something not a lot of brands are using.


Phospholipids help strengthen the membrane of skin cells, preventing any unwanted toxins from entering in and causing damage. Basically a stronger skin cell membrane means a stronger skin cell, something that those with sensitive skin desperately require to prevent certain outbreaks from occurring including Rosacea.


Strengthening these membranes also helps restore the regular balance of moisture your skin requires to stay healthy.


美國BUZZILLIONS 討論區有223REVIEWS,獲得4.7, 192個人評5 STAR! 唔係貴野先WORK!

"I have used Complex 15 as my daily moisturizer for more than 15 years. I apply it in the morning before putting on makeup. It is absorbed immediately by my skin and creates a great surface for makeup. It is light, completely non-greasy and non-pasty, and feels fresh and clean. It is one of the best products I have ever used. I recommend it without hesitation

Professional Woman



I have used this face cream for many years and it is absolutely the best.
I used to be able to buy it off the shelf but now this is the only place I can find it.
PLEASE ..... NEVER stop carrying it.
It is better than any of the high priced creams put out by cosmetic companies.
I get many compliments on my skin and I in my 50s.



Excellent moisturizer. Not a cream - more of a lotion - very light - doesn't feel gooey or slimey - soaks in to the skin quickly. Doesn't irritate my sensitive skin. I've spent a fortune on high end skin care with very little results for the money. This moisturizer is very reasonable in price & very high in quality.



Pros: light non-greasy and won't clog pores

Cons: Hard to find

Light, non-greasy, and won't clog pores. It's hard to find, so we're happy Walgreen's makes it available! It's a totally great product!






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z (停產) COMPLEX 15 Therapeutic Face Cream 保濕面霜 低致敏性 敏感痘痘乾燥肌膚用

  • 型 號: 4COMPLEX15
  • 庫存狀態: 無現貨
  • HK$108
  • HK$98

標籤: Non-comedogenic/不致粉刺, Hypoallergenic/低致敏性, Nofragrance/不含香料, 皮膚科專家, NoLanolin/無羊毛脂, NoParaben/對羥基苯甲酸酯