Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel 是一支既可鎮靜紓緩因磨擦或剃毛脫毛產生皮膚不適 和柔膚底妝Primer質地半透明柔軟順滑能為乾燥或擦損皮膚上形成一層絲滑透明的保護屏障,可減輕因運動,剃鬚或剃毛髮後出現的皮膚搔癢,適用於大腿內側及比基尼位敏感部位。

用途一: 護膚





用途二: 化粧 Primer  (粧前底霜)

外國女士鍾意用佢作化粧 PRIMER, YOUTUBE 有好多review :

I have tried the Monistat chafing gel and it really is better than Smashbox primer. (

Amazing Primer! (

連 Makeupalley: Average Rating: 4.3 推薦:

  • - inexpensive as compared to other primers相對於其他妝前乳Primers平宜
  • -makes foundation stay longer 令粉底又持久
  • - similar ingredients with Smashbox Photo Finish Primer 跟著名Smashbox粧前底霜成份相若
  • - clear and odorless  透明無色無味
  • - easy to blend  容易推開
  • -reduces pores and controls oil 減少毛孔和控油
  • -silky, powdery finish
  • -comes in a tube so quite hygienic 支裝令你使用更衛生方便


  • 不油膩
  • 不含香料
  • 無刺激性
  • 非染色


SIZE: 42g

美國制造, 美國進口


  • 只供外用。
  • 使用本產品時不要濺入眼睛。
  • 如使用後皮膚不適,症狀持續超過7天,請停用並求醫。
  • 請將此藥品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。
  • 如不幸吞入請馬上求醫。

Awesome product! Effective! Easy to use!
We've used this in my family for years. I even have my husband using it when he wears a kilt...which he highly recommends for any kilt wearer. Soothes underarm, underbreast, groin area, thigh rub, and other area rashes quickly and helps them heal quickly. A little goes a long way.
DiabeticInDenial  (CVS)

The best makeup primer!
I use this product as a makeup primer, and it is FABULOUS. Non-irritating and silky smooth, this powder-gel fills in pores and fine lines and serves as a great base for liquid and/or powder foundation. I also use a little under my eyes as a primer for my concealer. I wouldn't recommend it for people with oily complexions, but it is a great solution for those with normal, combination, dry, and/or aging skin.
SnoozyGirl (CVS)

OK ladies, didn't see this one coming... I was using this one day and a friend of mine said that she uses it as a primer, a professional make up artist used it on her and she's been using it ever since... Who knew...
Denaligirl (CVS)

(此說明和推介由本店店長親自撰寫, 如有相似, 必屬無良抄襲)

1) 觀塘線至港島線地鐵站內交收, 星期一至星期六中午12點至3點; 5點至晚上7點.
2) 包平郵, 可先轉帳至本人中銀或HSBC 帳號, 然後再EMAIL 通知郵寄地址(只限香港), 收件人名稱 (1-3個工作天內收到). 買家需承擔寄失之風險, 可另加HK$15 掛號費.

Monistat Chafing Relief Powder GelHK

Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel 42g 鎮靜剃毛脫毛磨擦皮膚痕癢發紅 底妝PRIMER

  • 型 號: 3MONISOON
  • 庫存狀態: 無現貨
  • HK$99
  • HK$95